I have been getting lot's of phone calls wondering about my most recent appt to the DR. I thought I would update through my blog and let everyone know what's going on.
First, I want to thank everyone who has added a comment to my post, sweet thoughtful e-mails and endless calls to see how I am doing. Also flowers,plants,gifts,dinners,books, yummy treats,,house cleaning, laundry, help with taking Bryson for a play day, Taking my kids for play days and to the Zoo over spring break, card's in the mail, and a ton of visits from friends. I am grateful I am so lucky to have so many people in my life that care.
It's been a long tough road.
I fell on Jan 29th it's now April 12th. I had surgery and originally prior to surgery the Dr. said he would be putting a plate on my Fibula where I broke in two places which he did. He also said he would be putting screw's in my tibia because it was such a bad brake. As he says "you broke almost to the core of your bone". Amazingly enough when he put the plate on the fibula the tibia bone aligned and there for I did not need any hardware on the tibia. Ok this is all good because I only have one piece of hardware in me and only one scare. The downside is I am still healing and the tibia bone is one of the hardest bones in the body to heal. It takes along time . I am just today for the first time able to start putting 40% of my body weight with my crutches on my leg. 3 x a day up to 15 min at a time. I was so bummed when I saw my Dr. yesterday and he said I'm sorry I can't give you
better news but I will see you back on May 20th.
Total Bummer. Are you kidding me? I was waiting to hear him say you can start physical therapy, you can start waking and graduate from crutches, wheelchair and being off of your leg. In other words you get your life back. Well, I did not hear what I wanted, but I did start therapy today because of all the other pains, neck,hip and shoulder pain due to the prolonged time I have been on crutches. I have the type of Ins that The Dr does not need to write a RX to have therapy so it was refreshing going to the physical therapy office today and get started on my road to recovery. It looks like I will be in
my walking cast on my cruise this June 6th.
Now that is a bummer, But it's a cruise and much needed cruise and even if in a walking cast hopefully by than I will be closer to getting off crutches and more able to be walking on my walking cast. One other bummer is that it is my right foot so I still wont be able to drive until we get back from the cruise. It's hard having to get rides to Physical therapy and other places but like I said before I am thankful for everyone who has helped out
and has gotten me where I need to go.
Well, There you have it. I still don't go on-line often as I have gotten out of the habit but I have read a ton of good books and have enjoyed that part of my healing process.
Love to all my friends & family. Jill
Wow!!! What a long trip you have had to travel. Hang in there. I know you well enough that I know you are a strong person so I know you are leaning on the lord to help you get through this. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I will call.
Hang in there my sweet friend.
You are such a wonderful person. It must just stink going through this whole broken leg thing. You will get through this. You are strong. Please call me if you just need a ear to listen. I will check in on you soon.
Jill, I am glad you get to start Physical Therapy at least to get rid of some of the aches and pains of this long road. Does Ron help with some of the therapy?
I am excited you are going on a cruise this June. I am sure you are looking forward to that. I sure wished I could come for a visit. I know we may be coming through Idaho late July so I am sure I will get to see you than. I really miss you and wish I lived closer.
Stay Strong!!! Let your sweet smile keep you going.
Last time I saw you, you looked great. I know how hard this has been on you. I am glad to hear you are doing a little better. It sounds like you still have a ways to go. I will come by for a visit this week. I'll call you.
Keep up your high spirits it will get you through this Jilly.
I sure miss seeing you. I hope you are hanging in there. You sound good in your blog. You are lucky to have a physical therapist at home. You will get well faster that way.
I will call you.
Love all the Pictures of your family.
Jill, I am so sorry to hear your leg is taking so long to heal. Does Ron have any magic up his sleeve to help you more? I am glad you are on the road to recovery. It just sounds like it will be a long one. Hang in there. Did you get the card I sent? you should have gotten it sometime this week.
Hey Girl,
Stay close to FH and he will keep you strong through this long process. Hope Ron is good to you and those cute kids are helping out. It sounds like you have had a great deal of support and that makes me happy you are being treated well. Wish we lived closer so I could be there for you.
I will call soon.
(HUGS!!!) Laura
I would be insane by now and on all sorts of calming meds because I don't have the kind of patients it takes to endure what you are going through. You are awesome Jill and I have always looked up to you. You have such a sweet spirit and are always doing good things for others. I think that is why this has happened to you because you are a strong person and have patients. I would love to be there to be a part of helping you. But for now just know you are in my prayers.
Ohhhh pretty Jilly, This to shall pass. Sorry to hear it is a much longer road ahead. You are dear to me and I am greatful we are friends.
I will call you to have Bryson over for a play day with my kids.
sorry you did not hear better news at the Dr.
I call you.
I am happy to hear things are a going a little better. If you need anything please call me.
I will bring dinner,take Bryson or even just come help with some cleaning.
Britney K
A cruise??? I am not sure you told me of any up coming cruise. That will be so nice for you.
How nice! Who are you going with? Just Ron or Ron and kids? Well you will be really ready for it when the time comes. You go girl and keep on healing. Your hubby can help you to and it sounds like this is much longer than you had hoped. I looked at all your blog pix. Are we really 40 now? I saw that picture of you and Madison and you look like you are in your 20's. Lucky you. I will have to make some type of blog page or e-mail you pix. I look 40 maybe even 45. You look the same as you did when you worked for Dr. Eder.
Well anyway, Get well and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Hang in there! Do jump into anything you are not suppose to do as I know a man that to this day still has to use a cane because he did not listen to his Dr.
You looked so good the last time I saw you. I will come by this week.
It must be so hard on you to be down as long as you have. Glad to here you are a little more mobile now. I saw you on your crutches thaking your kids to the park. I waved but you did not notice.
I will stop by this week and see if I can help out with anything.
Hang in there!
I will drop by Wed.
Keep up the healing you will get there.
I just got back in town.
Wow you are still unable to do all you normally do. I feel for you girl. I wish I lived closer to you to help.
I will call you,
I was just peaking at your blog to see if anything was new? I will call you.
You are welcome to send Maddie down to play with our girls at our house anytime, she is such a sweet girl, we love to have her.
Knight family
Relaxing was so needed for you my friend. You have been through so much. I am so happy to see your sweet smile. You sure have taken off allot of weight.
You look great.
I'm just a blog stalker as they say, lol...I am one of the girls from NP2. Anyhow, my Mom broke her leg and her arm while roller skating with my sister and I when I was in second grade...I was the second of 4 girls, so my mom had all these little kids to take care of while in a wheelchair, then crutches. She had pins put in her arm and plates in her leg...I know what a pain in the neck it is. I remember she got her cast off her arm and her pins out just in time for the huge regional conference at the Rose Bowl when Pres. Kimball spoke, and the holes in her hand turned to blisters in the sun! lol Anyway, hope you are all recovered now.
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