Poor Bryson was getting potty trained when I broke my ankle and since I could not follow through with finishing the teaching I had to put him back in diapers. Now he pulls his diaper off and just pees where ever he wishes. I try saying go to your potty chair but without being able to go up and down stairs quickly it just has not worked out. One day I was talking to my friend Erica on the phone and she said well just duck tape it on him until you get better. So here he is with his duck taped diaper on.
He is such a cute little guy.
I will check in on you soon.
Poor you and Poor Bryson.
I bet he will be so easy potty change when you get better.
Look at that cute tummy of his. He is so cute Jill. He looks like a mix between you, Ron, Mason and Madison. I see all of you in him.
Don't worry! you need to heal before you can get him potty trained.
Bryson is adorable. Jill Knapp you looked beautiful when I saw you out the other day. You are so thin. NO JOKE, I will have to have a broken leg in order to lose weight. Anyways, be proud of yourself you looked amazing.
You’re my idol!!
Sandy S
That is to funny!
Cute little Bryson does not look so happy about the duck tape. this must be so hard on both of you.
He is a C.T.
You have been through so much.
Stay Strong!!
What a funny little guy!!! He looks so sad.
He is very cute. He will be potty trained in know time when you get back on your foot so don't worry. I can't believe you are still dealing with broken ankle.
Hang in there.
Hi there,
I am waiting to see Mother's day pix. Anyway, I never leave a comment but thought I would just say hello via blog.
Bryson is such a handsome little guy. when do you see your Dr. about your let.
Let me know when you can.
Happy Mothers day
I just want to kiss his little face.
I wish I could make you all better.
I will call you Thursday to wish you a Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday Jilly.
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