Four jobs I have had:
1. Back Office Medical Asst. For OBGYN 7 yrs
2. Pacific surf and sport
3. Dancer,Model
4. Alan Dewames Dance Team
Four movies I have watched more than once:
1. Charlies Angles
2. Spider Man
3. Bat Man
4. Sky High
Four places I have lived:
1. Thousand Oaks, CA
2. Westlake, CA
3. Chicago, IL
4. Woodland Hills, CA
Four TV shows I watch:
1. Dancing with the stars
2. Law and Order. SVU
3. So You Think You Can Dance
4. Dateline
Four places I have been:
1. Alaska
2. Thailand
3. Tokyo
4. Hawaii
Four Celebrity's you have met:
1. John Stamos x2 (Singing to Michelle) Click: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RT6liC3ShNI
2. Mikhail Baryshinikov (In action:) Click: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8__iRsxG_A
3. Gene Kelly (Love this:) Click: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmCpOKtN8ME
4. Lucille Ball (My Favorite) Click: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wp3m1vg06Q
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Mexican food! (Big time)
2. Chicken dishes
3. Soy Beans (Out of the pod)
4. Kit Kat Candy Bar!
Four places I would like to visit:
1. Hawaii (Again)
2. Brazil
3. Australia
4. Italy
Four things I am looking forward to in the coming year:
1. A Strong Mobile Ankle!
2. Getting in Shape!
3. Vacationing!
4. Decorating Our Bedroom!
Four friends I am tagging:
1. Larin
2. Becky
3. Megan
4. Whitney
You lucky dog met John Stamos!
You will have to share the story with me.
You really met Lucille Ball!!
That is way cool!
Fun Tag, I have learned a lot about you! And congrats to Madison for getting baptised, she is such a doll.
I love that you have had such a well rounded life. I am a bit jealous but love you to death.
I loved seeing the "Brady Bunch"
I was a Cindy fan my self.
I also loved all the videos you posted of the celbs you met.
Thanks for making my day!!
You did brighten my day.
OK Chick,
You were a Dancer and a Model and you were from the LA area. So it's a no wonder you have met so many celebs. I know you met Drew Barrymore and also Christian Slater when he was not so big.
Well good for you and make everyone envy you.
Just kidding.
I love those Tag's. You will have to tag me next.
Oh well I don't have a blog page yet. When I do you must.
I never knew some of those things about you Jilly.
Thanks for sharing.
Hey girl!!
I finally updated my blog. Come take a peak. I should have had blogspot do my blog. I have had the hardest time getting multiple pictures to upload.
How did your spa open house go. I want to come by and by a few skin care items from you.
John Stamos is so handsome. I can't believe you got to me him in person.
Is he nice or stuck up?
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