Gross!!! Big time.
Blood was everywhere and all I could think about is cleaning this mess up before Mason gets home. I kept thinking he will get home see blood and no mom and think I am dead.
I know I was in shock and not thinking clearly because I felt no pain but the bleeding would not stop. Mason and Madison were both at friends homes and Bryson was down for a nap. I was feeling pretty crummy by this point, but had gotten everything cleaned up. I than took Bryson and we drove to the urgent care center.
I got their and the nurse said how did you get here? I told her I drove myself. I was taken right back as blood was continuing to poor out of my finger.
They asked me all kinds of questions. I did not have a coat on and it was only 29degrees today. She than proceeded to ask me how I was feeling. You do not look so well she said. Do you need something to throw up in just in case? I said no, I just have a headache.
Bryson was getting really restless. I was glad to get a call from Ron telling he was on his way. Ron took Bryson just as I was getting back into see the Dr. The timing was perfect. I was seen and told I will need about 5 stitches as I did cut a few of my nerve endings. I told the Dr. that would be fine but I have a New Years Eve party to go to and really don't want to miss.
He said no problem. Your finger my be a bit sore once the numbness wears off but I will give you a few pain pills to get you by. I got to pick the color of my bandage so I picked Madison's favorite color Purple. I was so glad we were able to attend the party. My friend Rosalyn has great parties and tonight was one of the best yet. The kids had a babysitter. They made Sundas. They stayed up until midnight said Happy New Year and Bryson fell asleep shortly after the party. He looked so cute I had to take a picture.
He said no problem. Your finger my be a bit sore once the numbness wears off but I will give you a few pain pills to get you by. I got to pick the color of my bandage so I picked Madison's favorite color Purple. I was so glad we were able to attend the party. My friend Rosalyn has great parties and tonight was one of the best yet. The kids had a babysitter. They made Sundas. They stayed up until midnight said Happy New Year and Bryson fell asleep shortly after the party. He looked so cute I had to take a picture.
Happy New Year!!!!
I hope your finger feels better. Bryson looks so cute.
Poor Jill! :-(
It sounds like it hurts. Happy New Year!
Hey girl,
I got your e-mail. Ouch! That sounds painful. Hope you feel better soon. You need to buy one of those can openers tht leave no sharp edges. I think you can get them anywhere. we got ours at bed and bath.
Bryson looks like he had fun.
Love, Emily
WOW!!! You went through allot yesterday. Hope you are feeling better. I will call you this week to catch up.
Great pictures.
At least you did not miss your party.
Love the pictures from Christmas and Bryson looks so cute on New years!
Your poor finger. Need any help?
Let me know. I have passed out before. Not fun. Let me know if you need anything.
I owe you big time for helping me.
Sorry to hear about the lid of the can attacking your hand. Ouch!! Sounds like you had fun at that party. We were not invited to any parties this year so we had a very quiet new year.
Bryson looks so cute. Party hard then poop out. I love it.
Feel Better!
sorry to hear about your finger. Happy New YEAR!!!!
I love looking at your blog. it keeps me close to you.
Jill, How is your finger feeling. when I saw you yesterday you did not look so well. Anyway, sorry we could not chat longer. Crying kids will do that to ya! Let's do the lunch thing again soon so are kids can play.
Happy New Year!!
Jill, I have not looked at your blog for awhile. Madison's face on Christmas was to funny. I love that picture. Bryson lifting weights is so great. You needed your finger to be stitched up. You must have cut it pretty deep. Hope you are feeling better soon.
Keep in touch.
Love your blog page Jilly.
Hope your finger is better.
I came back for another look. You have such a cute family.
Cute picture of your son lifting weights.
Jill did you put something in Brysons rootbeer float?....wink wink.....Miss you guys.
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