Welcome to our family Blog.
Jill & Ron and 3 wonderful kids!
November 01, 2007
Having fun Halloween 2007 two baseball players and a princess.
Halloween was so much fun. First trunk or treat at the middle school than Mason and Madison headed out with Dad to do the house to house adventure. I never saw so much candy. Uggggg!! I stayed home to hand out candy. There were so many cute kids that came by. At a warm 50 degrees everyone was happy.
Very Cute Jilly. The kiddo's look great. thanks for the update
Jill, Wow, I can't believe how grown up your kids are! Little Bryson looks SOOOO much like Mason when he was that age! SOOOOO cute! Check out my blogspot at www.apcfamily.blogspot.com. We can keep in touch via blogs now! I love it! Love, Marilee
Now those are some nice looking kids. I e-mailed you a note also. Love your blog page. this is the first time I saw it. Very nice. How do you go about doing a blog page. e-mail me back.
Hey Jilly, Good to see lot's of pictures of your cute family. When are you going to have another baby? We are pregnant with number 4. Due in May. Well, I will be very pregnant by march when we were suppose to come to Idaho so we may have to hold off until this baby is born. I love you miss you and love your blog.
Jill, Your blog is great. You are way ahead of me. I have never even thought of making a blog page. It's a great Idea maybe someday I will. I miss seeing your family. Wow has everyone grown and you shrunk. You look great. Anyway, Keep in touch. Tammara
I saw your blog info on classmates. I went to school with your sister Joy. Your family is beautiful. I remember your family as the Dancers of the school. Hope you are all doing well. I am not married and have no kids just nieces and nephews. Your life looks fun. Enjoy. Jennifer
Jill, One of the woolsey dancers. I went to TOHS I think I was the same age as your Brother Billy. I came to a few Parties at your home when you had the house with the cool dance room. Your family looks great. Hope your are doing good. I enjoyed the visit to your blog page.
Wow Jilly, I love it!!! Now I am going to have to put a blog page together. You look great. 40??? Are we really 40? Now I look like it but you look like you are 25. Do you ever look older? Not Fair.. Is it that skincare product you sell? Now I am going to have to put in an order so I stop aging. Anyway, You family looks great and happy. Bryson is so cute. Having my oldest age 10 I could not even think of having a 3 yr old. How on earth do you have the energy for it. Mason and Bryson are so handsome like their daddy and Madison looks just like a little Jilly. Keep in touch and as soon as I get a blogpage up and running I will let you know. Love ya!!! Angie
Great Blog page. Are those the Shoshone falls in idaho? Ive been there twice and thats what it looks like. I live in Middleton Idaho and notice you are from Idaho. Anyways I was just blog surfing and found your site on Blog Catalog. Happy Holidays Patty Roberts
I found your information on your blog page on your classmates profile. Your family is beautiful. I worked with your Brother Billy at the Mall sometime in the 80's. I remember your cool dance room your dad built you so you guys could pratice dancing. I like your house. Anyway, just wanted to say Hi even though you may not remember me. Have a nice Holiday. Kim Baker class of 83
Wow! not that is one great looking family. I was in TOHS class of 82 and dont think you really know me. I did see you at dance school. I only took like one dance class a week. You were in the DeWames Company than. Anyway you and your Brother and Sister were great dancers. I remember seeing you dance at a miss Ventura pagent with your Brother. I always wished I could dance as well as you did. I am now a DR. and live in IL. I miss Thousand Oaks sometimes. Well, I saw your info on classmates and thought I would write something. Enjoy the Holiday season.
nice blog page. My friend Kim said she was looking through classmates and saw your name. I was over so we looked at your blog page together. I went to middle school with you and we had PE together in 9th grade. I remember you being a good dancer and sometimes leaving school to go do a show. Anyway, Just a Hello from Karen Walker. Your family is adorable and your kids look a mix of you and your hubby. Your daughter looks most like you. I still live in thousand oaks if you can believe it. We moved when I was in 10th grade to AZ. Toooooo Hot so we came back to TO and I have been here ever since.
Jill, I got your information at classmates. very cute page. Wow!! 3 kiddys. Awsome girl. We had Mr. OBrian together. You made me laugh alot in class. I have 2 kids and one on the way. It's for sure my last as I am going to be 41 in Febuary. Love to you and your family, I wrote you an e-mail on classmates. check it. Karen
That sounds warm for Idaho, when I think of Idaho I think of snow. I am from Thousand Oaks. I saw your blog information at classmates. What a great family you have. Your husband's Sister looks like someone I know. happy holidays
No Way Jill Woolsey. I worked with you at Pacific Surf and Sport in the late 80's. You have not even aged a day. Marie Sanders said she saw your blog page and e-mailed me. Can you believe her and I are still friends. You have such a great family. I went to your spa blog page. Loved it. I love the dancing pictures best. Sorry to hear about your mom passing. So Idaho. Now that is a pretty big change. I live in Irvine CA. No far from Agoura where we worked together so long ago. You can e-mail me. pattylovesdogs@apl.com Take care. Patty Cohen
Jill, I love it.I am glad I took the time and enjoy your blog page. I love all the pictures from when Mason and Madison were younger. Hugs!!! Kathy Smith. Nice work on your spa blog page also.
Very Cute Jilly.
The kiddo's look great.
thanks for the update
I love seeing your cute kids.
Wow, I can't believe how grown up your kids are! Little Bryson looks SOOOO much like Mason when he was that age! SOOOOO cute! Check out my blogspot at www.apcfamily.blogspot.com. We can keep in touch via blogs now! I love it!
We love our cute cousins. Bryson is really growing up! Love you guys, Kathleen
Now those are some nice looking kids.
I e-mailed you a note also.
Love your blog page. this is the first time I saw it. Very nice. How do you go about doing a blog page. e-mail me back.
Hey Jilly,
Good to see lot's of pictures of your cute family. When are you going to have another baby?
We are pregnant with number 4.
Due in May.
Well, I will be very pregnant by march when we were suppose to come to Idaho so we may have to hold off until this baby is born.
I love you miss you and love your blog.
Love, Rebecca
Your blog is great. You are way ahead of me. I have never even thought of making a blog page. It's a great Idea maybe someday I will.
I miss seeing your family.
Wow has everyone grown and you shrunk. You look great. Anyway, Keep in touch.
Thanks for visiting my blog - thought I would return the favor and cruise by.
Being Australia we didn't do Hallowe-en when we were young - bit of a shame really - good chance for a fancy dress night!
I do do Thanksgiving though - not in honor of the Pilgrims, but just with a general theme of being thankful :-)
I saw your blog info on classmates.
I went to school with your sister Joy.
Your family is beautiful. I remember your family as the Dancers of the school. Hope you are all doing well. I am not married and have no kids just nieces and nephews. Your life looks fun. Enjoy.
I like your blog photos.
shelly Benson
Jill, One of the woolsey dancers. I went to TOHS I think I was the same age as your Brother Billy. I came to a few Parties at your home when you had the house with the cool dance room. Your family looks great. Hope your are doing good. I enjoyed the visit to your blog page.
Wow Jilly, I love it!!! Now I am going to have to put a blog page together. You look great. 40??? Are we really 40? Now I look like it but you look like you are 25. Do you ever look older? Not Fair.. Is it that skincare product you sell? Now I am going to have to put in an order so I stop aging. Anyway, You family looks great and happy. Bryson is so cute. Having my oldest age 10 I could not even think of having a 3 yr old. How on earth do you have the energy for it. Mason and Bryson are so handsome like their daddy and Madison looks just like a little Jilly.
Keep in touch and as soon as I get a blogpage up and running I will let you know.
Love ya!!!
Great Blog page. Are those the Shoshone falls in idaho? Ive been there twice and thats what it looks like. I live in Middleton Idaho and notice you are from Idaho. Anyways I was just blog surfing and found your site on Blog Catalog.
Happy Holidays
Patty Roberts
I found your information on your blog page on your classmates profile. Your family is beautiful. I worked with your Brother Billy at the Mall sometime in the 80's. I remember your cool dance room your dad built you so you guys could pratice dancing. I like your house. Anyway, just wanted to say Hi even though you may not remember me. Have a nice Holiday.
Kim Baker class of 83
Wow! not that is one great looking family. I was in TOHS class of 82 and dont think you really know me. I did see you at dance school. I only took like one dance class a week. You were in the DeWames Company than. Anyway you and your Brother and Sister were great dancers. I remember seeing you dance at a miss Ventura pagent with your Brother. I always wished I could dance as well as you did. I am now a DR. and live in IL. I miss Thousand Oaks sometimes. Well, I saw your info on classmates and thought I would write something.
Enjoy the Holiday season.
nice blog page. My friend Kim said she was looking through classmates and saw your name. I was over so we looked at your blog page together. I went to middle school with you and we had PE together in 9th grade. I remember you being a good dancer and sometimes leaving school to go do a show. Anyway, Just a Hello from Karen Walker.
Your family is adorable and your kids look a mix of you and your hubby. Your daughter looks most like you.
I still live in thousand oaks if you can believe it. We moved when I was in 10th grade to AZ. Toooooo Hot so we came back to TO and I have been here ever since.
I got your information at classmates.
very cute page. Wow!! 3 kiddys. Awsome girl. We had Mr. OBrian together. You made me laugh alot in class.
I have 2 kids and one on the way.
It's for sure my last as I am going to be 41 in Febuary.
Love to you and your family,
I wrote you an e-mail on classmates.
check it.
That sounds warm for Idaho, when I think of Idaho I think of snow. I am from Thousand Oaks. I saw your blog information at classmates. What a great family you have. Your husband's Sister looks like someone I know.
happy holidays
Christy Craig
No Way Jill Woolsey. I worked with you at Pacific Surf and Sport in the late 80's. You have not even aged a day. Marie Sanders said she saw your blog page and e-mailed me. Can you believe her and I are still friends.
You have such a great family. I went to your spa blog page. Loved it. I love the dancing pictures best. Sorry to hear about your mom passing. So Idaho. Now that is a pretty big change. I live in Irvine CA. No far from Agoura where we worked together so long ago.
You can e-mail me. pattylovesdogs@apl.com
Take care.
Patty Cohen
I love it.I am glad I took the time and enjoy your blog page.
I love all the pictures from when Mason and Madison were younger.
Kathy Smith.
Nice work on your spa blog page also.
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