OK, the race is on. This was a first for us. We decided to take our family and go cut down our own Christmas tree. Trying to find a perfect tree was not an easy task. We did not really know how hard it would really be. Tooo big! Tooo Small! Ugggggg! We hiked up the mountain with everyone searching for a tree. Many were just too big. The sun started going down as the hunt was still on. Just as the sun was leaving and the moon was coming Ron literally fell down the hill on the tree we were to take home. They worked fast and got it in the back of he truck. It was nice and I was glad we ended up finding one. The kids were getting a little grumpy and everyone was excited to head home for some homemade Chili, more pumpkin pie and warm Apple Cider. For sure I would do this adventure again. Everyone had fun and it will make for a great family memory. :-)