October 03, 2007

Marilee I took you up on doing this

November 2007

5 things I was doing ten years ago! You're next...

To everyone who views my blog... Tag you're it!
Five things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. was just about to Pop pregnant with Mason.
2. Ron was in school and we were living in the San Fernando valley. .Loved my ward loved my friends.
3. Loved going to 24 hour fitness even in the middle of the night. it was just the best get away.
4. Was teaching in the primary and have been in primary ever since except with a small break in 2000 I went to young woman's. And in 2006 Activities committee now back in young woman's happy to say so. Although I do love primary.
5. Was still working as a Medical Asst: for Dr. Eder at OBGYN Aff. until Mason came in Dec. I loved that Job.

5 Songs I know the lyrics to:
1. Every song from Carrie Underwood.
2. Every Song from the first Rick Springfield record. He! he!
3. This years young woman CD
4. All High School Musical Songs
5. Every Song Hillary Weeks has very made

5 Things I would buy if I was a Millionaire:
1. Share my millions with my family
2. Buy a new Van ( I love my van but a new one would be nice)
3. A go-cart for Mason
4. New Clothes
5. A Cabin in the mountains

5 Things I Would Never Wear Again:
1. A big cow neck Sweater.
2. Bonjour jeans. (not sure on the spelling)
3. Big bows in my hair
4. A mini skirt
5. Ponytails

5 Things I Would Like to Do:
1. Take a dance class
2. Write a book about having 8 mothers.
3. Teach dance lessons to small children age 3
4. Learn how to sew.
5. Take singing lessons

5 Favorite Toys:
1. My computer
2. My camera
3. My workout equipment in my garage
4. My Van
5. My remote